Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Construction Update

        During this week's lab, progress was made in regards to the construction of the chassis. The group utilized the ProEngineer drawings to aid in the measurements of the cuts. Using the table saw, razor blade, and knife present in the lab room, cuts were made to the frame of the Solar Car. The material used as the basis of the frame was balsa wood. Because of the cuts made to the chassis, the group was now able to begin building the gear box of the Solar Car. During the construction of the frame design, the group also discovered an online article that could be used in the continued construction of the Solar Car. The link for this source is listed below.  Images of the updated design and the table saw used to make the cuts are also posted below.


Figure 1- The image above is a picture of the table saw used for the cuts.

Figure 2- The image above is a picture of the lateral view of the updated design.

Figure 3- The image above is a picture of the frontal view of the updated design.

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